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日期:2013/11/22 09:54 点击数:6571 

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would   1 .”
Blue interrupted, “You only think about the   2 , but consider the sky and the sea.   3  the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. Without my peace, you would all be   4 .”
Yellow chuckled (笑道), “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and   5  into the world.”
Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the color of health and strength. I may be   6 , but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky   7 , my beauty is so striking that no one gives another   8  to any of you.”
Red could stand it   9  and he shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to   10  truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.”
Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝) …
The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own   11 蜷缩) down   13 , drawing close to one another for comfort. . Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down   12 . The colors crouched (
In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colors, fighting   14   yourselves, each trying to dominate   15 . Don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose,   16 ? Join hands with   17  and come to me.”
Doing as they were told, the colors   18  and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain   19  the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to   20  one another.
(   ) 1. A. stay                   B. leave                    C. go out                     D. die
(   ) 2. A. earth                  B. moon                          C. star                         D. sun
(   ) 3. A. That is                      B. I am                        C. It is                         D. This is
(   ) 4. A. anything            B. nothing                   C. something             D. everything
(   ) 5. A. warmth              B. sadness                    C. depression              D. anxiety
(   ) 6. A. usual                 B. normal                    C. common             D. scarce
(   ) 7. A. at midnight                                                  B. at noon or at night    
C. at sunrise or sunset                                   D. during the day
(   ) 8. A. gift                    B. honor                      C. thought                   D. respect
(   ) 9. A. for more            B. any more                 C. very much                   D. no longer
(   )10. A. turn to                     B. fight for                  C. struggle with            D. bend over
(   )11. A. superiority         B. disadvantages           C. inferiority              D. weakness
(   )12. A. gently                      B. quietly                    C. violently                  D. peacefully
(   )13. A. with care           B. in fear                     C. by chance              D. on purpose
(   )14. A. among              B. by                           C. for                          D. against
(   )15. A. others                      B. themselves               C. the other                  D. the rest
(   )16. A. equal and simple                                    B. ordinary and similar 
C. more or less                                        D. unique and different
(   )17. A. each other         B. me                          C. one another              D. them
(   )18. A. combined          B. separated                 C. united                     D. divided
(   )19. A. cleans                      B. washes                    C. brightens                 D. dampens
(   )20. A. appreciate          B. quarrel with             C. ignore                     D. praise
The basic flag of the United States is one of the world’s oldest national flags. Only the basic flags of Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzer land are older.
During the discovery and settlement of what is now the United States, the flags of various European nations were flown over the land, as symbols of possession. Later, in the Colonial and Revolutionary War periods, flags representing famous persons, places, and events were flown in the American Colonise.
The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14, 1777. It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776. Congress adopted a new flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in 1795, to give representation to the two new states admitted into the Union, Vermont and Kentucky.
By 1817, there were 20 states in the Union, and it became apparent that adding one stripe for each new state would destroy the shape of the flag. As a result, Congress in 1818 restored the original design of 13 stripes and provided that each state was to be represented by one star. In 1921 Preside William H. Taft made the first official provision for the arrangement of the stars. He ordered that there be six even rows of eight stars each. Previously the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flag- maker’s fancy.
The evolution of the stars and stripes reflects the growth of the United States. After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959, the flag was official changed for the 26th time since its creation.
There are many government flags flown in the United States in addition to the national flag. Among them are the president’s and vice- president’s flags and those of the federal departments and some federal agencies. Each state in the Union has an official flag. The United States Navy uses special flags for signaling.
(   ) 1. The basic flag of the United States is _______.
A. the oldest national flag in the world               B. one of the world’ s oldest flags
C. the most beautiful flag in the West  
D. as old as the basic flags of some European nations
(   ) 2. Before the War of Independence the flags of various European nations flown over the land were symbols of _______.
A. self- rule           B. occupation               C. peace and friendship        D. independence
(   ) 3. The first official flag of the United States was adopted ________.
A. before the Independence War                        B. right after the Independence War
C. when independence was declared in 1776       
D. during the War of Independence which ended in 1783
If a person forgets names, places or facts —and has trouble with everyday things like reading or shopping —it may not mean you are getting old. It could be Alzheimer’s disease. So it’s important to see a doctor as soon as you can.
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms (症状).
In studies, ARICEPT has been proved to work for Alzheimer’s. It has helped people improve their memory over time. It has also helped them to keep doing everyday things on their own.
Ask your doctor if ARICEPT is right for you or your loved one. It is the Number One drug for Alzheimer’s in the world. The sooner you know it’s Alzheimer’s, the better ARICEPT can help.
ARICEPT is good for many but may not be good for everyone. Some people may experience not sleeping well, feeling very tired, or not wanting to eat. In studies, these side effects weren’t serious at all and went away over time. Some people taking ARICEPT may feel light-headed. In this case you should tell your doctors because your condition may get worse.
(   ) 1. If one suffers from Alzheimer’s, ________________.
A. he has trouble with his memory
B. he can’t do everyday things on his own
C. he often forgets things because he is old
D. he can’t move about
(   ) 2. What is ARICEPT?
A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s.
B. A medicine to delay signs of aging.
C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
D. A medicine to cure brain damage.
(   ) 3. One who is taking ARICEPT should go to see a doctor if he _________.
A. can’t fall asleep                                     B. feels tired out
C. has no desire to eat                             D. feels like a drunken man
Make the benefits most, reduce the drawbacks least
Hosting the Olympics successfully is, perhaps, the greatest glory for a city. However, before transforming the dream into reality, the benefits and drawbacks of hosting the Olympics should be considered carefully.
Hosting the Olympics surely would bring about much gain to a city. Boom of the local economy, more jobs, and the possibility of generating income all sound extremely attractive to the municipal government. At the same time, better infrastructure (基础设施), cleaner environment, enjoying the wonderful game with hundreds of sports elites (精英) and entertainment stars, and the opportunity of contacting people from all over the world also seem exciting to the citizens. Besides, the hosting will definitely promote the patriotic emotion and pride, as well as the moral behavior in local people. In most cases, hosting the Olympics is well supported by both the public and the central government.
But this is not the entire view of the pretty picture. If we look from another angle, the Olympic hosting might bring about some side-effects to a city.
First, the environmental impacts, including the increasing exhaust smoke of cars, more pressure on water resources, huge amount of wasted leaflets and other materials used for public activities, are most probably neglected. In order to broaden the streets, some trees may have to be cut. Near the construction site, the tiny dust may float in the air for a long time. Reduction of farmland may be caused by the need of setting up new sports centre or accommodation facilities. These environmental consequences can be especially serious in a resource-limited and thickly-populated city in a third-world country. Second, if talking about the economic benefit, it should not be forgotten that a quick increase may lead to bubble (泡沫) growth, which may easily crash. If not well managed and organized, the big event may not be so profitable, and the new facilities may be forever empty after the games. Yes, there have been cases that host cities ended up with enormous debts.
No one stops eating merely because too much food might hurt his stomach and make him ill. Since we have bid for it, what we can do is to make the benefits most and reduce the drawbacks least.                    

Two (1) _______ of the coin.
The Olympics may become a glory if (2) _______ successfully.
Drawbacks may be (3) _______ about as well.
The (4) _______ of hosting the Olympics.
They city’s infrastructure gets (5) _______ and its economy, education, employment may benefit a lot.
There are more chances to get in (6) _______ with the people from all over the world.
People are (7) _______ of their country.
The disadvantages of hosting the Olympics.
The games may lead to environmental (8) _______.
Too quick increase in economy gets crashed after the event.
The facilities may get (9) ______ after the games.
We should think about the (10) _______ drawbacks while preparing for the Olympics so as to make the event a really beneficial one.

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the womens’ club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time   1    an old woman who lived   2 .
When she came home she sensed something   3 . Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no   4  of forced entry. Had anything been taken? She went from room to room,   5 , and found her camera and spare watch missing.
The following Thursday she went out at her usual time, but didn’t go to the club.   6 , she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home,   7  herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would   8 .
It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was   9   tea at the time. The bell rang again, and   10   she heard her letterbox being pushed open.   11   the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly   12  the door. A piece of wire appeared through the letter box, and then a   13 . The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door lock. Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and   14  the water over the hand.   15    was heard outside as the
 16  fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was   17   by the sound of running feet.
It wasn’t long   18   the police caught the thief. And Mrs Clarke was greatly   19  at the club for her successful   20 .
(   ) 1. A. by                        B. to                  C. with            D. for
(   ) 2. A. lonely               B. alone                C. away          D. busily
(   ) 3. A. terrible               B. uncomfortable        C. unusual       D. bad
(   ) 4. A. information          B. show               C. sign          D. sight
(   ) 5. A. looking              B. examining            C. searching      D. checking
(   ) 6. A.Therefore             B. However             C. Instead        D. Again
(   ) 7. A. pushing              B. letting               C. pulling        D. leading
(   ) 8. A. appear               B. follow               C. happen        D. do
(   ) 9. A. cooking              B. making              C. burning       D. serving
(   )10. A. the next moment      B. for a while                   C. in time        D. at once
(   )11. A. Putting down         B. Laying aside          C. Picking up     D. Taking away
(   )12. A. towards              B. away from                   C. from behind   D. near
(   )13. A. knife                B. hand                 C. letter          D. key
(   )14. A. used                B. dropped                     C. poured               D. covered
(   )15. A. A sad voice           B. A strange noise        C. A low shout    D. A sharp cry
(   )16. A. key                  B. kettle                C. doorlock        D. wire
(   )17. A. followed             B. caused               C. produced             D. ended
(   )18. A. before               B. since                C. until          D. when
(   )19. A. surprised             B. praised               C. encouraged      D. supported
(   )20. A. self-satisfaction       B. self-protection        C. self-respect    D. self-service
Our children and grandchildren may not have a chance to visit many of the most famous places around the world. War, weather, age, traffic and pollution damage these famous places. Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford.
In the early 1970s, world governments decided that if they joined together, they would be able to preserve our history. If every country paid some money, they said, it would be possible to look after important historic places. Also, if they discovered that a monument needed urgent help, they would have money for repairs. For these reasons, countries around the world united to form the World Heritage Organization in 1972. Today, the organization helps to maintain and restore the most important places from our history.
However, one of the biggest problems for historic places is vandalism(故意毁坏文物的行为). People sometimes enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings. At some sites, such as Stonehenge in England, governments have built high fences to protect the site from vandals.
There are many different ideas about how to solve the problem of vandalism. Some experts say that if guards patrolled the sites, vandals would not be able to get in. Some experts say that if they fixed more television cameras, they would not need so many guards. Other experts say that the best solution is education. If people learned to respect history, they would not destroy or damage it. They would also want to spend money looking after old places. For this reason, the World Heritage Organization helps to spread information about the value of historic sites.
(   ) 1. Why did countries all over the world unite to form the World Heritage Organization?
A. It would be able to keep our history.
B. It would be possible to take care of important historic places.
C. They would have money to do some repairs if a monument needed help.
D. All of the above.
(   ) 2. Which of the following shows us the action of vandalism?
A. People enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings.
B. Governments build high fences to protect the site from vandals.
C. Guards patrolled the sites and they fixed more television cameras.
D. They also spend money looking after old places.
(   ) 3. What’s the best way to solve the biggest problem of vandalism?
A. Every country spends more money looking after these places often.
B. To form the World Heritage Organization.
C. Too many guards are needed to prevent vandals getting in.
D. To make people know information about the value of historic sites.
About a hundred yards along the path we came to a deep valley, on the far side of which the path led into some very thick bushes, rather than push through up again and rejoin the path on the far side of the bushes.
As I climbed down into the valley a bird flew off a rock on which I had put my hand. On looking at the spot from which the bird had risen I saw two eggs. They were a kind that I did not have in my collection, so I placed them carefully in my bag, wrapped in a little dry grass.
As we went further down the valley the sides became steeper (陡峭) and not far from where I had entered it came to drop of about twelve to fourteen feet. The water that rushed down all these small valleys in the rainy season had worn the rock as glass. As it was too deep to climb down, I handed my gun to one of them and slid down it. My feet had hardly touched the sandy bottom when the two men jumped down, one on each side of me. They quickly gave me the gun and asked me if I had heard the tiger. In fact, I had heard nothing, possibly because of the noise I made sliding down the rock. The men said they had heard a tiger growling somewhere nearby, but they did not know from which direction the noise had come.
1. According to the passage we know that __________.
A. the writer decided to push through the thick bushes
B. the writer decided to walk along the valley
C. the writer wanted to stop climbing
D. the writer tried to find two eggs
2. The reason why the rock was hard to get down was that __________.
A. it had been worn smooth                                  B. there was no grass on it
C. it was wet and slippery (滑)                           D. it was soft and sandy
3. At the end of the story, the writer knew that _______.
A. a tiger had run away                                        B. a tiger was close to them
C. the men had seen a tiger                                      D. a tiger had seen them  
Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese students they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor.” I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary. However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if your attitude is positive. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
    Second, they are afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are sky and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENTLY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn’t matter because the person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.
    The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
    Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. If you have this proactive outlook, then, you will see English opportunities wherever you go.
    If you do not use your English beyond the classroom you will forget that English you know. Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT! You can learn how to speak English better by speaking English more.
Title: Problems with spoken English

Solutions/ Tips
Limit of (1) ____________
You have to (2) _________ their vocabulary
You should take a positive attitude towards (3) ___________ English.
(4)__________ about making mistakes
Shyness and (5)__________ make it easy to make mistakes.
More (6) ____________ should be paid to fluency.
(7) ____________ of attention while listening
All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking
(8) _________ reactive outlook
As language learners, most Chinese students are
(9) ____________ instead of being active.
You should take (10)________ of all opportunities to improve your spoken English.

My father often works very hard. And he has   1  to see a film. Here I’ll tell you   2    about him.   
One afternoon, when he finished his work and   3   go home, he found a film ticket under the   4  on his desk. He thought he   5  to have little work to do that day and   6  was quite wonderful to pass the   7   at the cinema. So he came back home and   8  finished his supper. Then he said   9  to us and left.
But to our   10  , he came back about half an hour later. I   11  him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about   12  funny thing that had happened at the cinema.
When my father was sitting in his seat, a   13  My father was surprised. He took out the ticket   15  looked at it carefully. It was Row 17,   16 . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her   17  her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, Seat 3.  came to my father’s and said that the seat was   14  .
 18 ? What’s the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenly the woman said, “The   19   of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while, my father said, “Oh,   20 , I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinema.
(   ) 1. A. little money               B. much money             C. little time        D. much time
(   ) 2. A. a funny story      B. a good story             C. an old story      D. a strange story
(   ) 3. A. was to               B. was about to             C. had to              D. ought
(   ) 4. A. box                   B. book                        C. glass               D. paper
(   ) 5. A. happened           B. liked                        C. pretended          D. wanted
(   ) 6. A. it                      B. this                          C. that                   D. which
(   ) 7. A. morning             B. afternoon                 C. day                   D. evening
(   ) 8. A. early                  B. quietly                            C. quickly             D. suddenly
(   ) 9. A. hello                  B. good-bye                  C. good evening    D. good night
(   )10. A. disappointment B. joy                 C. sorrow                     D. surprise
(   )11. A. asked               B. explained                 C. told                  D. wanted
(   )12. A. a                             B. one                          C. some               D. the
(   )13. A. man                  B. woman                     C. doctor              D. nurse
(   )14. A. hers                  B. his                           C. taken               D. wrong
(   )15. A. and                   B. but                          C. or                    D. so
(   )16. A. Seat 1                      B. Seat 2                      C. Seat 3              D. Seat 4
(   )17. A. it bring             B. to get                      C. to see                      D. to show
(   )18. A. Why                B. How                        C. When               D. where
(   )19. A. designs              B. colors                      C. prices               D. owners
(   )20. A. I’m sad                     B. I’m sorry                 C. I’m wrong               D. I’m worried
As a teenager of the digital era, it is really hard to say no to fantastic electronic gadgets (小玩意). Many of us can’t get through a day without using our mobile phones or checking our e-mails. No matter if we’re “@home”, “@school” or “@play”, living without technological toys seems more and more unthinkable.
However, although gadgets bring convenience, many of us can start to feel streeted out by them. And, a lot of electronics are fairly expensive. Fashionable gadgets come and go in the digital age in the blink of any eye. So, think twice before you pulling out your wallet.
Here are some of the most popular gadgets and their pros and cons:
Pros: laptops have made our lives much easier. You can take your books, movies, music and homework everywhere.
Cons: They cost at least 4,000 yuan! If you only want to share photos or games with your friends, then a flash memory stick is a great cheap alternative.
Pros: As well as carrying your favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes.
Cons: The price --- sometimes more than 2,000 yuan --- is the first concern. Secondly, though music is really important to young people, ask yourself if video is realy necessary. A regular MP3 player is a lot cheaper. And remember, don’t let the loud volume damage your hearing.
Prons: New mobile phones combine traditional functions with a digital camera, MP3 player and even a radio. Some can also send and receive e-mails.
Cons: Always trying to keep up with the latest model can be a waste of money. There are always new, improved phones coming out. Don’t be a fool. Do you really need all these functions? Think twice before you buy.
(   ) 1. According to the writer, which of the following statements is true?
A. Teenagers can’t live through a day without fantastic electronic gadgets.
B. Teenagers can hardly live happily without electronic gadgets.
C. Teenagers’ life is full of expensive electronic gadget.
D. It’s all but impossible for many teenagers to live without fantastic electronic gadgets.
(   ) 2. What conclusion can we drew from the passage?
A. Never buy the most updated gadgets.
B.You should buy the gadgets with as many functions as possible.
C. We needn’t always pay the most part to buy the most up-to date gadgets with many
D. Never buy the latest model, it’s much too expensive.
(   ) 3. What do the words “pros and cons” mean in the selection?
A. Agreements and disagreements.
B. The views that are favored and not favored by people.
C. Benefits and bads.
D. Advantages and disadvantages.
Around 55 per cent of people aged 18-34 in Spain still sleep in their parents’ homes, says the latest report from the country’s state-run Institute of Youth.
To persuade young people to leave their homes, the institute started a “Youth Independence” program this month. The program offers guidance in finding rooms and jobs.
Economists blame young people’s family dependence on the unstable labor market and increasing housing prices. Housing prices have risen 17 per cent a year since 2000.
Cultural reasons also contribute to the problem, say sociologists. Family ties in south Europe ---Italy, Portugal and Greece ---are stronger than those in middle and north Europe, said Spanish sociologist Almudena Minguez in her report “The Late Independence of Spanish Youth: Keys for Understanding”.
“In general, young people in Spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized,” said Minguez. In Spain, especially in the countryside, it is not uncommon to find entire groups of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews all living on the same street. They regularly get together for Sunday dinner.
Parents’ tolerance is another reason. Spanish parents accept late-night partying and are wary of setting bedtime rules. “A child can arrive home at whatever time he wants. If parents complain he’ll put up a big fight and call the father a Fascist,” said Minguez.
Mothers’ willingness to do children’s household chores (杂务) worsens the problem. Dionisio Masso, a 60-year-old in Madrid, has three children in their 20s. The eldest, 28, has a girlfriend and a job. But life with mum is good. “His mum does the wash and cooks for him; in the end, he lives well,” Masso said.
1. The passage mainly tells us __________.
 A. about some social problems caused by young people
 B. that parents are to blame for their children’s staying at home
 C. why young people are unwilling to leave their homes
 D. young people’s dependence on their parents is common in European countries
2. Which of the following is NOT the reason for young people’s staying at home?
 A. Strong family ties.                                    B. Father’s complaining.
 C. Parents’ tolerance.                                    D. Good life with mother’s help.
3. The underlined phrase “are wary of” means “__________ ”.
 A. are good at           B. are in favor of          C. are afraid of             D. are aware of
Tai Chi exercises can help people with type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)control their condition, research suggests.
Two separate studies found a 12-week program of exercise was enough to improve the immune(免疫)system, and to cut blood sugar levels. The traditional Chinese martial art combines deep breathing and gentle movement to improve relaxation levels. Both studies, by researchers in Taiwan and Austalia, appear in the British Journal of Sports Medicines.
The first study, by a team in Taiwan, compared 30 people with diabetes with 30 healthy people acting as controls. Over 12 weeks the participants learned 37 Tai Chi movements under the guidance of an expert, and took home a vedio to study the correct poses. They took part in a three-hour long session a week. At the end of the program, tests on the group with type 2 diabetes showed a drop in their blood sugar levels, and an improvement in the level of cells and chemicals key to a healthy immune reoponse.
Strenuous(过量的)physical acitivity is harmful to the immune system, but the latest study suggests that more appropriate exercise may have the opposite effect.
Previous research has suggested Tai Chi improve heart-related and breathing-related function, as well as improving flexibility and relieving stress.
The second study by the University of Queensland, based on just 11 participants, produced similar results. In this study the participants, who all had raised blood sugar levels, attended sessions of Tai Chi for 60 to 90 minutes three times a week. As well as a drop in blood sugar levels, the participants lost weight, and recorded significant falls in blood pressure. Insulin(胰岛素)resistance was also improved. Participants also said they slept better, had more energy, felt less pain and had fewer food appetites while on the program.
Cathy Moulton from Diabetes UK recommends that people with diabetes dp a minimum of 30 minutes of appropriate physical activity on at least five days of the week. She said, “Any activity that leaves you feeling warm and a little breathless but still able to hold a conversation counts as appropriate exercise --- including energetically cleaning the house, quickly walking the dog and of course Tai Chi, the relaxation element of which may help to reduce stress levels.”

Title: Tai Chi helps control diabetes
Physical activity
               Tai Chi
Cathy Moulton’s (9) ______
   The first study
The second study
For five days a week, people with diabetes should do at least 30 minutes’ appropriate physical activity until they feel warm and (10)_______ breathless.
Physical activity consuming too much strength does (1)______ to the immune system.
More appropriate exercise, however, helps (3)_______ the immune system.
It was carried out by a team in Taiwan with 60 participants, (4) _______ of whom have diabetes. The tests showed the (5)_______ group had their blood sugar levels (6)_______ and the level of cells improved.
The group lost their weight and had a drop in blood sugar levels. Their blood pressure became (7) _______ and they slept better, therefore they were more (8) ______ and less painful.

I will never forget the night when my mom left. She walked out and left me standing at the door crying, “Come   1   !” The next morning, tears filled my eyes as I walked from room to room   2  for her. When I went into the   3  and saw my dad preparing breakfast, he told me she was   4  and wouldn’t be coming back, but I still believed she’d be returning from work that afternoon.
Day became   5  and my mom had not returned. I asked my dad again where she was and when she was coming home.
“Baby, Mom is not coming back. She left and went to   6  with someone else.” These were his exact   7    . I asked if she did not love me any more, and then I   8  myself to sleep.
My mom came home a few days later and I was very   9 , but when I ran to hug her, she acted   10  she did not know me. She said she had   11  come for the rest of her stuff. When she left this time, all the pain and sadness came down so   12  on me that all I could do was lie in my dad’s   13 .
The next month brought more sadness for my dad and me. We had to   14  because I would cry all day,   15  each room for mom. My dad said a new   16  would be good for me.
I have not seen my mom for five years. She has   17  my entire childhood and now she will miss my high school graduation in a few weeks. No matter how   18  she has gone, though, there’s a part of every child that   19  a mother. There is still a part of me that truly wishes to   35  with her and try to build a relationship.
(   ) 1. A. back            B. over          C. out             D. in
(   ) 2. A. begging          B. calling        C. waiting         D. praying
(   ) 3. A. street            B. yard          C. office          D. kitchen
(   ) 4. A. gone            B. busy          C. ill             D. brave
(   ) 5. A. short             B. afternoon       C. light            D. night
(   ) 6. A. work          B. travel         C. live            D. deal
(   ) 7. A. words           B. idea          C. intentions       D. apologies
(   ) 8. A. calmed          B. inspired       C. cried           D. reminded
(   ) 9. A. careful          B. happy        C. angry           D. proud
(   )10. A. so that           B. now that      C. as if            D. even though
(   )11. A. also             B. only                 C. even            D. already
(   )12. A. slightly          B. simply               C. hard            D. difficultly
(   )13. A. sofa             B. room         C. quilts           D. arms
(   )14. A. change          B. move         C. struggle       D. understand
(   )15. A. searching        B. researching    C. wondering       D. dreaming
(   )16. A. opportunity      B. school        C. family        D. house
(   )17. A. expected         B. considered            C. missed          D. attended
(   )18. A. short            B. long                 C. much           D. often
(   )19. A. worries          B. loves         C. interests         D. needs
(   )20. A. play             B. compare        C. reunite          D. mix
Although my father was not a doctor, he made his own brand of “house calls”. I followed him as he brought a plate of my mother’s home cooking to an elderly man named Frank on all major holidays, and when Frank was sick. As far as I know, their only connection was that Frank was an occasional customer at Dad’s small gas station. Frank’s home was a two-room house on the rough side of town with a rotten front porch that you could fall through if you were not careful. Through his caring attitude, my father was teaching me to be a doctor, although neither of us knew it at the time.
When I was 13, my father developed lung cancer. He brought home a diagram the doctor drew showing where his cancer was and told me that he was going to die.
The big green oxygen tank with plastic tubing became a central feature of our living room next to his easy chair. Several months passed and his condition worsened. He asked me to take care of my mother. He said, “I love you, son.” That night he died.
When you’re 13 and your father dies, you have some choices to make. You can use the circumstance as an excuse for letting your behaviour and grades go down the drain, or you can honor his memory and try to do something positive with yourself. I focuses my energy on my school work and my goal of becoming a doctor.
(   ) 1. According to the passage, we know that the author’s father was ____________.
A. hard-working                          B. ambitious
C. knowledge                             D. considerate
(   ) 2. The underline part “go down the drain” in the last paragraph probably means “______”.
A. stay at home                           B. get along as expected
C. become worse                          D. improve immediately
(   ) 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Frank and the author’s father were close friends.
B. Frank was a wealthy and happy man.
C. The author’s father received treatment for some time.
D. The author’s father persuaded the author to be a doctor.
(   ) 4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Father’s lung cancer
B. Father and my career choice
C. Father and an elderly man
D. Father ---a strong cancer patient
JIUQUAN, Gansu Province, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) --- China’s manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 will be launched at an appropriate time between Sept. 25 and 30 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu Province, a spokesman said here on Saturday. The mission will accomplish the first spacewalk by Chinese astronauts.
“All the major systems involved in the launching are now in the final preparation. The main tests for the spacecraft, the Long-March II-F rocket, suits for the space walk and a satellite accompanying the fly have also been finished,” said the spokesman.   
In addition, the ground control system is fully prepared, including the launch site, the landing site, and the communication for observation and control.   
When Shenzhou-7 enters its orbit, one of the three taikonauts will conduct a spac walk, said Zhao Changxi, a senior scientist with the project, earlier.   
According to Zhao, cameras would be fixed outside and inside of the ship for live broadcasting of the space walk.
While the last mission of Shenzhou-6, with a crew of two, was aimed at several days of manned flight, this time the task might be more stringent as one of its main goals is the space walk.
Earlier reports said a crew of six astronauts had been chosen for the mission, with three manning the spacecraft and three substitutes.
China successfully put two manned spacecrafts into orbit in 2003 and 2005 respectively, becoming the third country to send an astronaut into space after the United States and the former Soviet Union (now Russia).
(   ) 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Shenzhou-7 is better equipped than the last two spaceships.
B. Shenzhou-7 will be more successful than the last two launches.
C. All the systems involved in the launching have been prepared.   
D. China is ready for the launching of Shenzhou-7.
(   ) 2. We can learn from the passage ________.
A. This will be the third time for Chinese astronauts to have a space walk
B. Three of the six astronauts chosen for the mission will walk in space
C. The space walk will be live broadcasted on TV
D. Everything has been prepared except communication system
(   ) 3. The underlined word “stringent” most probably means ___________.
A. challenging               B. encouraging           C. interesting               D. moving
Manners nowadays in metropolitan cities like London are practically non-existent. It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to push an elderly woman aside to take the last remaining seat on the underway or bus.  
This question of giving up seats in public transport is much argued about by young men, who say that since women have claimed equality, they no longer deserve to be treated with politeness and that those who go out to work should take their turns in the rat race like anyone else. But women have never claimed to be physically strong as men. Even if it is not agreed, however, the fact remains that courtesy (礼节) should be shown to the old and the sick. Are we really so lost to all ideals of unselfishness that we can sit there indifferently (冷漠地) reading the paper or a book, saying to ourselves, “First come, first served” while a grey-haired woman, a mother with a young child or a cripple (残障者) stands? Yet this is all too often seen.
Older people, tired and impatient from a day’s work, are not always considerate either — far from it. Many arguments break out as the older people push and squeeze (挤)each other to get on buses. One cannot approve this, of course, but one does feel there is just a little more excuse.
It seems urgent, not only that communications in transport should be improved, but also that communication between human beings should be kept smooth and polite. All over cities, it seems that people are too tired and too rushed to be polite. Shop assistants won’t bother to assist; taxi drivers shout at each other as they dash dangerously around corners; bus conductors pull the bell before their desperate passengers have time to get on or off the bus, and so on. It seems to us that it is up to the young to do their small part to stop such lowering of moral standards.
Title:Manners in Metropolitan Cities
Politeness is (1) ______________ , especially in large cities.
Big, strong schoolboys push elderly women aside to (2)__________ on the last remaining seats.
Women think they are (4)  ___________ to men, so they should take their turns in the rat race like others.
Young men (3)__________ to treat women politely.
Young people sit indifferently (5)  ________   while grey-haired women, mothers with (6)  ___________ and disabled people stand by.
First come, first served.
The elderly themselves push each other to get on buses.
●Communications in transport are not satisfactory.
●Communication between people doesn’t go (8) _________ and politely.
●People are too (9)__________ and too rushed to care about others.
Young people make an (10) ________ to stop such lowering of moral standards.
I had offered to watch my 3-year-old daughter, so that my wife could go out with a friend. I was getting some work done in my study while she   1  to be having a good time in the other room. No problem, I figured. But then it got a little too   2  and I shouted, “What are you doing?” No response. I   3  my question and heard her say, “Oh, …nothing.” Nothing
I got up from my desk and ran out   4  the living room, where I saw her running across the hall. I followed and watched her as her little behind made a quick   5  into the bathroom. I had her   6 ! I told her to turn around. She   7 . I pulled out my big Daddy voice, “Young lady, I said turn around !”  
 8 , she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wife’s new lipstick. And every square inch of her face was   9 天使)!” I looked back up into her tearful eyes and,   16  seeing a bad girl who didn’t listen, I saw a little angel full of   17  that I had come dangerously close to   18 . “Sweetheart, let’s take a picture so Mommy can see how   19  you look.” I took the picture and thanked God that I didn’t  with bright red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes, I heard   10  voice that had been shouted to me as a child. “How could you … You should know … How many times have you been   11  … What a bad thing to do …” It was just a matter of my picking out which old   12  I was going to use on her so that she would know what a bad girl she had been. But   13  I could let loose, I looked   14  at the sweater on her. In big   15  it said, “I’M A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL(
 20  the chance to prove what a perfect little angel she had given me.
(   ) 1. A. happened            B. liked               C. appeared         D. pretended
(   ) 2. A. long                B. quiet              C. calm                    D. strange
(   ) 3. A. asked               B. answered          C. raised             D. repeated
(   ) 4. A. into                B. of                C. from                    D. for
(   ) 5. A. way                B. turn              C. change                  D. progress
(   ) 6. A. followed            B. scolded           C. cornered         D. fooled
(   ) 7. A. laughed            B. listened           C. agreed            D. refused
(   ) 8. A. Slowly               B. Eagerly          C Angrily            D. Unfortunately
(   ) 9. A. filled               B. marked           C. printed           D. covered
(   )10. A. every              B. such               C. any              D. one
(   )11. A. told                B. beaten             C. frightened         D. forbidden
(   )12. A. reports            B. notice             C. advice            D. words
(   )13. A. as                 B. when             C. since                    D. before
(   )14. A. up                 B. down             C. in                D. on
(   )15. A. signs               B. letters                   C. messages          D. figures
(   )16. A. because of          B. instead of                C. in spite of          D. as a result of
(   )17. A. value              B. sadness                  C. pities             D. tricks
(   )18. A. preventing         B. getting rid of     C. destroying        D. doing wrong on
(   )19. A. dirty              B. ugly               C. special            D. silly
(   )20. A. have              B. get                C. take              D. miss
We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control. It seems as if a single unimportant event may cause a number of things to happen. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this means your troubles are beginning. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the table-cloth off the table, destroying your prepared meal. You hang up hurriedly and attend to your baby. Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt. As if these were not enough to bring you to tears, your husband arrives unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner.
Things can go wrong on a number of people on the road. During the rush hour one evening, two cars hit each other and both drivers began to argue. The woman driver behind the two cars happened to be a learner. She suddenly went into a panic and stopped her car. This made the driver following her stop suddenly. His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake. As she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the window and landed on the road’. Seeing a cake-flying through the air, a truck driver had to stop his truck all of a sudden. The truck was carrying empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the truck and fell onto the road. This led to yet another angry argument. Meanwhile, the traffic piled up behind. It took the police nearly an hour to get the traffic to move again. In the meanwhile, the truck driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. Only two dogs were enjoying themselves from the accident; for they were happily having what was left of the cake. It was just one of those days.
(   ) 1. What does the writer mainly tell us?
A. Troubles always happen at the same time.        
B. Everyone may have trouble every day.        
C. A small matter can cause great trouble.        
D. Only the lucky man won’t have any trouble every day.
(   ) 2. Which of the following is true?
A. The woman’s husband brought three guests home to dinner unexpectedly.
B. The meal got burnt.
C. Her baby pulled the table-cloth off the table.
D. It is not strange to experience such accidents.
(   ) 3. What does the word “these” in the last sentence of the first paragraph refer to?
A. Your husband brings three guests to dinner unexpectedly.
B. The meal gets burnt.
C. The baby pulls the table-cloth off the table.
D. Both B and C. 
Abby Subark is a mother of two from Boston. “For my kids, I’m nervous. I don’t know if they’ll be able to achieve their American dream.” She may be right. More than hard work or education, the best way to get rich in America is to be born rich.
It is the case that somebody who is in the upper third of income, poor scores, in the bottom on tests when they are in eighth grade, is more likely to go to college and finish college than a poor kid with the top scores. That’s what the working person’s children are up against.
The Economic Policy Institute finds it would take a poor couple with 2 children 9 or 10 generations to achieve middle class status. That’s about 200 years. The hallmark (特征) of American opportunity has always been the ability to do better than your parents. But compared with similar developed countries, the United States ranks fifth out of six for so-called intergenerational mobility.
If you look at the mechanisms (机制) for upward mobility that were so readily available 50 years ago, they are becoming out of reach, like plentiful factory jobs with good wages and affordable education and health care.
White families are twice as likely as blacks to be upwardly mobile. For most people in America today, where you end up depends on where you start.
If you started in the middle-income class, about 40 to 45 percent of what you are making right now is due to the fact that your parents were in the middle-income class. The rest is up to you.
But for the millions of people who find themselves below the poverty line and the millions more who are the working poor, their starting point for the American dream leaves them painfully far away from the middle class.
(   ) 1. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. How the middle class comes about in the U.S.
B. It’s hard to realize the American dream for the poor.
C. Wealth and social status depend on family background.
D. Upward mobility in America is never easy.
(   ) 2. The underlined sentence “where you end up depends on where you start” most probably means _______ .
A. Your starting point cannot determine your destination.
B. Only a high goal can ensure success.
C. One’s birth has nothing to do with his fate.
D. One’s family lays solid foundation for his future achievements.
(   ) 3. Why is Abby Subark nervous?
A. Her kids don’t want to compare with other rich kids in achievements.
B. Her kids don’t want to achieve success at all.
C. Her kids can achieve success through hard work and education.
D. Her kids can’t reach their goal without a rich family.
(   ) 4. What can we infer after reading the passage? 
A. Poverty causes people much pain.
B. People below the poverty line can never be in the middle class.
C. Lower starting point makes it hard for people to realize their dream.
D. Poor people’s starting point is too low.
Christmas is approaching. But shooting massacres (残杀) cast a tragic shadow over the holiday season in the US.
On December 5, a gunman killed eight people, before taking his own life, at a shopping mall in Omaha, Nebraska. On December 9, five people, including the gunman, died in two attacks in Colorado.
While people are busy trying to discover the killers’ motives (动机), another issue is causing heated debate in the country --- the weapon the killers used.
The US is one of just a few developed Western countries that allow private possession of guns. Any adult can buy army style weapons from a handgun to an AK-47.
“The right to own arms is a part of the Constitution (宪法). Many Americans believe it to be a fundamental freedom,” said Jonathan Haagen, who worked for Teens.
When the United States was still a group of colonies, they dealt with a lot of corruption (腐败) from the British. Therefore, American people considered it a great danger for the government to have control of all the weapons. Private gun ownership was important in their fight for freedom.
However, with more and more killings in schools and shopping malls, lots of Americans argue that they should do away with the right to bear arms. But the National Rifle Association (NRA) said this position violates (违反) the Constitution.
The NRA is fond of saying it is not guns but people who kill. In some cases, this is true. But in many other cases, owning guns is what causes the murder. According to the US Department of Justice, more than 10,000 crimes a year are committed with guns.

Possession of Private Guns in the United States
Original belief
Present situation
It was (1)_____ for the govern-ment alone to control all the weapons.
It was important for people to own private guns to (2)_____
for freedom.
The US is one of the few Western countries where any (3)_______ has the freedom to possess private weapons.
As a result, more than 10,000 crimes are committed with guns (4)_________. Three attacks alone in Nebraska and Colorado in December, for example, claimed altogether fourteen people’s (5)______.
People have different (6)_____ towards owning private guns.
Those in (7)______ of owning guns believe that it is the freedom given by the Constitution. Besides, the key factor in killing is (8)_______ instead of guns.
(9)_______, those against owning private guns argue that the right to own guns should be removed, because a(n) (10)______ number of killings occur in schools and shopping malls.

Dad is a liar, definitely.
He never tells the truth about anything , or anything   1 , that he thinks is bad to me, even though I   2  that I don’t mind hearing this kind of things.
He is the kindest man I have ever met, who never   3  others, as well as the   4  man, for he is always hard on himself. Every time I   5  home from college and ask Dad how his
 6  was going on, he would always reply, “Oh, couldn’t be   7 !” When I asked my mum the same question on the phone,   8 , she honestly told me every   9  with Dad’s business. I didn’t blame Dad for his   10 . I felt a deep sympathy for him.
Dad is a miser (吝啬鬼) , undoubtedly.
I hardly see Dad wear   11  clothes. In fact, his closet is half empty. Even in this half, two-thirds is occupied by Mum’s clothes and the other   12  belongs to him. I urged him to buy some new clothes,   13  he simply shook his head, “The old clothes are still good enough.” Were they? I saw   14  in them!
It   15  my heart up when I saw Dad   16  terribly with his hand covering his mouth. When the pains became unbearable, he   17  took some pills.
So it surprised   18  when the day came that Dad got sick. He was lying in bed, and all the family gathered around him. I knelt by his bedside, tears filling my eyes.
Dear Dad, you’ve been   19  yourself too hard, which you should not have. I know I might as well   20  a river to flow backward as hope to talk to you out of working so hard. But I still want to say, “Dad, take better care of yourself!”
(   ) 1. A. interesting             B. good                  C. bad          D. valuable
(   ) 2. A. emphasize             B. realize               C. decide             D. admit
(   ) 3. A. envies         B.blames               C. helps              D. hurts
(   ) 4. A. noblest        B. cruelest             C. most selfless     D. most diligent
(   ) 5. A. phoned         B. drove               C. went             D. stayed
(   ) 6. A. health         B. business             C. experiment      D. treatment
(   ) 7. A. better          B. harder                  C. easier                   D. healthier
(   ) 8. A. meanwhile               B. anyway                C. however       D. therefore
(   ) 9. A. change           B. incident               C. achievement      D. problem
(   )10.A. belief            B. carelessness          C. lies               D. excuses
(   )11. A. old               B. new                     C. beautiful        D. cheap
(   )12. A. one-third                B. half                      C. thing            D. closet
(   )13. A. so                B. but                      C. since            D. although
(   )14. A. holes                    B. stains                   C. hope             D. importance
(   )15. A. woke            B. warmed               C. cheered         D. tore
(   )16. A. act               B. shake                   C. cry               D. cough
(   )17.A. still               B. even                    C. merely          D. seldom
(   )18. A. somebody        B. anybody              C. everybody       D. nobody
(   )19.A. controlling        B. pushing               C. criticizing       D. fighting
(   )20. A. beg                     B. allow                   C. expect          D. cause
Three quarters of bear species are dying out fast, according to the World Conservation Union (INCN). Thousands of scientists are working with the INCN to map the dangers to all land-mammal populations around the globe. Today the INCN has published reports on seven of the world’s eight bear species, to tell people about the serious situation these large mammals are already in. Only two of these --- the Brown bear and American Black bear --- are relatively healthy, they say. The rest are all endangered. Polar bears ---classed as sea mammals ---were classified as endangered last year.   
Added to the endangered list this year is the Sun bear, a species of small bear that lives throughout Southeast Asia. Scientists say that Sun bear populations have fallen by nearly one-third over the past three decades. There are no exact numbers, but they put the population at something over 10,000.
Humans are their biggest threat, says Simon Stuart, a senior adviser with the Union. Bears’ gallbladders(胆囊)are used as a fever cure in Chinese medicine, and their popularity has led to rampant poaching (滥捕). Meanwhile, as human populations in Asia increase, bears are finding themselves limited to places that are getting smaller and smaller. “At the end of the day, these species need space,” Stuart says.
In China, they say, panda bears in Sichuan Province may soon face a food shortage. An unusually high number of bamboo plants in the region are flowering, which happens just before the plants die. Normally, pandas would move to a different part of the bamboo forest to look for food when local forests die back. But their movement has been blocked by human activities, authorities say. A similar bamboo die-off in the 1980s led to the deaths of hundreds of pandas.
(   ) 1. According to the report, which bear species is relatively healthy?
    A. Polar bears.          B. The Brown bear.    C. Sun bears.       D. Panda bears.
(   ) 2. From the second paragraph, we can learn that __________.
A. Sun bears are big in size                           B. Sun bears can be found everywhere
C. there are about 10,000 Sun bears at present 
D. Sun bears were added to the endangered list two years ago
(   ) 3. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A. Bears’ habit is being threatened.
B. The number of bears has fallen in recent years.
C. Bears’ endangerment is largely due to human beings.
D. Bears’ gallbladders can be used as Chinese medicine.
(   ) 4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Bamboo plants will die before they flower.
B. Some pandas will die soon if not helped by people.
C. Thousands of pandas died from a food shortage in 1980.
D. The pandas’ movements have been stopped by the bad weather.
There is a now type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns (分类栏目). It is sometimes placed among Situations Vacant, although it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears among Situations Wanted, though it is not placed by someone looking for a job either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.
“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of your long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae (历史) or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the nowadays high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now be called as an art form in its own right.   
There was a time when job hunters simply wrote letters of application. “Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. As it was explained, the letter was really just for openers and every-thing else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were fit for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.
Later, as you moved up the ladder, something a little more complex was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive (攻击性的) approach. “Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.
There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.
(   ) 1. Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has appeared because _______.
A. there are some warm-hearted people who want to help others
B. jobs are becoming more and more complicated nowadays
C. the level of unemployment is higher than before
D. many interviewers pay much attention to the job history
(   ) 2. According to the writer, the curriculum vitae has become so important because ________.
A. there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised
B. there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees
C. jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays
D. there arc not enough jobs for the applicants
(   ) 3. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. Finding a job is more difficult than that in the past.
B. High unemployment and the importance of curriculum vitae lead to the appearance of the specialized service.
C. The specialized service in the newspaper is of great importance to job hunters.
D. There is high demand for the job hunters today.
Many people think a telephone is a necessity. But I think it is a pest and a time waste. Very often you find it impossible to escape from it. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it? You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?
But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn’t it important to have a telephone in case of sudden emergency-illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.
I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances --- if I were a wealthy and powerful businessperson, for instance, or badly ill and had to lie in bed. I might find a telephone a necessity. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car a necessity. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular talent: one is mechanical invention, the other literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For I have had just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

Title: The (1) __________
(2)__________ opinions about it
Many people: It is (3) __________ when one wants to make a call, especially in time of (4) __________.
The author: ◆It can (5) __________ time and even be harmful.
          ◆Not everyone, (6) __________ a businessperson or a sick person who has to stay in bed, needs it.
          ◆I don’t need it because my job is (7) _________.
(8) __________ with it
◆It always seems to ring when one is doing something else or doesn’t want it to ring.
◆Almost (9) __________ can ignore it even if they want to.
◆One (10) __________ to answer it only to find that he is misdialed.

More and more young women want to look beautiful. Young women’s desire to achieve the figure of a fashion model has an   1   form of expression in the problem of anorexia nervosa (神经性厌食症). Anorexia nervosa is a(n)   2   disorder which occurs largely among young girls;   3  , it is also found among   4   of the young women, and in some cases, among boys.
Anorexia nervosa is 5 starvation attitudes toward food, and distorted (扭曲的) body image. 6   they are often extremely thin, anorexic girls believe that they are fat and are   7   on dieting. Their perceptions (理解) of their own bodies are very much distorted. They do not see themselves as thin but   8  , as fat. Most   9   of anorexia lose 25 percent or more of their body fat. Anorexia also causes them to become   10  . From five to six percent of anorexics actually die from starvation.
Anorexia, which means “without food”, seems to be quite   11   among young girls, although it was   12  a problem twenty years ago. The   13   of Anorexia is not known. Researchers are trying to find out its   14  心理的) need. One theory is that they want to   15   becoming an adult, since starvation can   16   down physical growth and the beginning of puberty (青春期). Another theory is that anorexia is related to refusal of the mother figure or to   17   the daughter of an overly protective and controlling mother. By being anorexic, the girl shows her ability to   18   at least one aspect of her own life.  but it is related to a psychological (
In addition, researchers   19   that the problem may result in a wrong body image ---the ideal of female beauty of being very   20  .
(   ) 1. A. ordinary            B. extreme                C. interesting       D. last
(   ) 2. A. acting                B. sleeping                C. studying          D. eating
(   ) 3. A. however                   B. generally               C. anyhow         D. regularly
(   ) 4. A. few                       B. all                           C. some                D. none
(   ) 5. A. brought by      B. found in                C. regarded as       D. characterized by
(   ) 6. A. Because             B. When                     C. Although          D. If
(   ) 7. A. put                           B. held                       C. checked            D. fixed
(   ) 8. A. rather                       B. nevertheless             C. further             D. even
(   ) 9. A. lovers                       B. victims                   C. women           D. patients
(   )10. A. anxious            B. worried                 C. weak              D. disappointed
(   )11. A. ordinary           B. common                 C. great                       D. often
(   )12. A. hardly            B. certainly             C. hopefully          D. exactly
(   )13. A. medicine          B. truth                       C. result             D. cause
(   )14. A. possibility         B. opportunity              C. necessity          D. importance
(   )15. A. enjoy                       B. imagine                   C. avoid               D. risk
(   )16. A. slow                       B. cut                         C. break               D. turn
(   )17. A. doing                       B. becoming                C. turning             D. being
(   )18. A. control                     B. improve                         C. build                       D. instruct
(   )19. A. advise                     B. note                       C. announce                 D. doubt
(   )20. A. fat                          B. thin                        C. healthy             D. weak
COLUMBUS, Ohio --- The heart operation taking place in the pale-green operating room at the Ohio State University Medical Center was unusual. The patient, a 62-year-old man, was made to sleep, tied with blue drapes(消毒帷帘)and lying face up on a narrow table. But no one was touching him.
Instead, the operation was being performed by a robot, whose three metal arms went through pencil-sized holes in the man’s chest. At the ends of the robot’s arms were tiny metal fingers, with turning wrists, which held a tiny instrument, a light and a camera. The robot’s arms and fingers were controlled by Dr. Randall K. Wolf, sitting at a computer in a corner of the operating room about 20 feet away.
Eventually, surgeons believe, most heart surgery will be done by robots whose arms are put in through pencil-sized holes punched in patients’ chests. Instead of directly staring into a patient’s body, surgeons will view magnified images of the operation on computer screens. In theory, the doctor would not have to be in the same room, or even the same country, as the patient.
(   ) 1. In this passage, the underlined word “dainty” means ___________.
A. quick                    B. weak                             C. fat                          D. small
(   ) 2.  The main idea of this passage is that heart surgery by robots ___________.
A. is quicker than surgery done by doctors       B. may replace surgery done by doctors
C. is a new and risky procedure                       D. developed at Ohio State University
(   ) 3. According to the passage, the reason that most operations require large cuts is that ___________.
A. patients have large organs                          B. large cuts take less time
C. surgeons have large hands                          D. large cuts cost less money
(   ) 4.   Based on the information in this passage, all of the following conclusions are true EXCEPT___________.
A. All doctors at Ohio State develop new surgical techniques
B. Robot surgery is being developed at Ohio State
C. Robot surgery will be used on many patients in the near future
D. Many hospitals will eventually offer robot surgery to patients
My father’s reaction to the bank building at 43rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York city was immediate and definite: “You won‘t catch me putting my money in there!” he declared, “Not in that glass box!”
Of course, my father is a gentleman of the old school, a member of the generation to whom a good deal of modern architecture is upsetting, but I am convinced that his negative response was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.
In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity (实物) that could be carried, or stolen. Consequently, to attract the custom of a sensible man, a bank had to have heavy walls, barred windows, and bronze doors, to affirm the fact, however untrue, that money would be safe inside. If a building‘s design made it appear impenetrable, the institution was necessarily reliable, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architecture symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money.
But the attitude toward money has, of course, changed. Excepting pocket money, cash of any kind is now rarely used; money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit. A deficit (赤字) economy, accompanied by huge expansion, has led us to think of money as product of the creative imagination. The banker no longer offers us a safe: he offers us a service in which the most valuable element is the creativity for the invention of large numbers. It is in no way surprising, in view of this change in attitude, that we are witnessing the disappearance of the heavy-walled bank.
Just as the older bank emphasized its strength, this bank by its architecture boasts of imaginative powers. From this point of view it is hard to say where architecture ends and human assertion (人们的说法) begins.
(   ) 1. The main idea of this passage is that _____________.
A. money is not as valuable as it was in the past
B. changes have taken place in both the appearance and the concept of banks
C. the architectural style of the older bank is superior to that of the modern bank
D. prejudice makes the older generation think that the modern bank is unreliable
(   ) 2. The word “tangible” (Line 2, Para. 4 ) refers to something ____________.
A. that is precious                                        B. that is usable
C. that can be touched                                        D. that can be reproduced
(   ) 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s attitude towards the new trend in  banking is ______________.
A. cautious                      B. regretful         C. positive           D. hostile
A listener has written from China for advice about how to lose weight. Michael in Shanghai says he is 26 and has battled obesity for most of his life. 
Obesity, a severe weight problem, is a complex condition. A doctor may advise taking medicine along with changing one’s behaviors. Experts say that the most successful weight-loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise.  
People who want to avoid weight gain have to balance the number of calories they eat with the number of calories they use. To lose weight, you can reduce the number of calories you take in, increase the number you use, or both.
A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the US. Researchers at Stanford University in California studied over 300 overweight women, mostly in their thirties and forties. Each woman went on one of the four plans: Atkins, The Zone, Ornish or LEARN. The women attended diet classes and received written information about the food plans.
At the end of the year, the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most, more than four and one-half kilograms on average. They also did better on tests for cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Christopher Gardner, who led the study, says the Atkins diet may be more successful because of its simple message to eat less sugar. He also says that the advice to increase protein in the diet leads to more satisfying meals. He says that there was not enough money to study men, but that men would probably have similar results.
Last week, another report based on thirty-one studies suggested that only a small minority of people have long-term success with dieting. Most dieters regained their lost weight within five years and often they become more overweight. But those who kept the weight off generally were the ones who exercised.
Title: (1) Proper ___________to lose weight
Doctors’ advice
◆Take medicine along with changing one’s
Experts’ (3)_________ plans
◆A well-balanced diet: (4)________ in less energy than needed, increase the number you use, or both.
Four of the most popular dieting plans in the US
◆Atkins: eat less sugar than usual and (6)__________ protein in the diet
◆The Zone
From another (8)__________
◆Have long-term success with dieting, otherwise most dieters will (9)__________ their lost weight
◆Exercise is more important than dieting for losing 
Prana, our beautiful dog whose name means “breath of life”, isn’t with us anymore. But, she brought such joy and love into our lives that we still miss her.
There are so many wonderful stories about the   1  in this dog, but my   2  is this one.
It was an autumn day in Minnesota. But, the   3  didn’t seem to know the difference between fall and winter. 4 , we were   5  with a big snowfall   6  which no one was prepared.
We have two apple trees in our backyard. Prana loved apples. When she went outside, she’d take hold of an apple, stick it far back in her   7 , and sneak it into the house to   8  for eating later. The apples had been on the ground and were often muddy so I wasn’t always   9  that Prana had brought them into the house.   10  my disapproval, she would turn her head so I wouldn’t see her hidden   11 . It was our little   12 
On the day that it snowed too early in the season, Prana went outside and I   13  her from the window. I   14  that she was madly digging holes and   15  the apples to the surface so they could be seen   16  the snow. I wondered why she was doing this. She seemed to be completely   17  with some kind of important task to dig up as many apples as possible during her yard time.
When I called her back into the house, she had her   18   one apple in her mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was completely covered with   19 . Prana had dug up all those apples for her bird and squirrel friends to eat. She knew that they wouldn’t have stored enough food to   20  such an early winter!
(   ) 1. A. talent                    B. emotion             C. love             D. life
(   ) 2. A. interest           B. favorite              C. best             D. preference
(   ) 3. A. year                  B. forecast             C. season            D. weather
(   ) 4. A. Naturally              B. Unexpectedly         C. Terribly                 D. Generally
(   ) 5. A. hit            B. covered             C. stuck             D. ruined
(   ) 6. A. at             B. by                 C. for                     D. in
(   ) 7. A. tail            B. stomach             C. mouth           D. ear
(   ) 8. A. use            B. save                C. put                     D. hide
(   ) 9. A. happy         B. angry               C. worried          D. acceptable
(   )10. A. Sensing       B. Wondering          C. Guessing         D. Finding
(   )11. A. plan          B. fun               C. interest           D. treasure
(   )12. A. trick          B. game             C. play             D. magic
(   )13. A. heard         B. saw              C. watched         D. followed
(   )14. A. noticed        B. understood        C. discovered      D. learnt
(   )15. A. taking           B. bringing           C. carrying         D. fetching
(   )16. A. in                B. off               C. above           D. beyond
(   )17. A. absorbed                 B. occupied            C. involved         D. filled
(   )18. A. dirty             B. big               C. usual            D. favorite
(   )19. A. apples                   B. snow               C. birds             D. ice
(   )20. A. struggle          B. survive           C. challenge               D. face
I first went to Harrow in the summer term. The school had the biggest swimming pool I had ever seen. It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite a habit of this with boys of my own size or less.
One day I saw a boy wrapped in a towel on the side of the pool. He was no bigger than I was, so I thought him a fair game. Coming secretly behind, I pushed him in, holding on to his towel so that it would not get wet. I was surprised to see an angry face come out from the water, and a being of great strength masking its way by face strokes(猛力地划)to the shore. I fled, but in vain. He overtook me, seized me violently, and threw me into the deepest part of the pool. I soon climbed out on the other side, and found myself surrounded by a crowd of younger boys. “Do you know what you have done?” they said, “It’s Amery; he is in Grade Six. He is champion at gym; he has got his football honor.”
I was frightened and felt ashamed. How could I tell his position when he was wrapped in a bath towel and so small? I decided to apologize immediately. “I am sorry,” I said, “I mistook you for a Grade Four boy. You are so small.” He didn’t seem pleased at all, so I added in a most brilliant word, “My father, who is a great man, is also small.” At this he laughed, and after some general words about my rude behavior and how I had better be careful in the future, signified the incident was closed.
(   ) 1. The writer thought Amery “a fair game” because the boy __________.
A. looked like an animal                             B. was fond of games
C. was of similar size                               D. was good at sports
(   ) 2. The writer felt “ashamed” because ______________.
A. he was laughed at by other boys  
B. Amery turned out to be in the same grade
C. he pushed Amery hard and hurt him 
D. he played a joke on an outstanding athlete
(   ) 3. By saying “My father, who is a great man, is also small”, the writer ____________.
A. tried to please Amery                                B. challenged Amery
C. threatened Amery                                D. admired his father
(   ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The writer could run faster than Amery.
B. The writer liked playing on boys of all sizes.
C. Amery was a student in Grade Four.
D. Amery forgave the writer for his rude behavior.
While researchers have long shown that tall people earn more than their shorter counterparts, it’s not only social discrimination that accounts for this inequality --- tall people are just smarter than their height-challenged peers, a new study finds.
“As early as age three --- before schooling has had a chance to play a role --- and throughout childhood, taller children perform significantly better on cognitive tests,” wrote Anne Case and Christina Paxson of Princeton University in a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The findings were based primarily on two British studies that followed children born in 1958 and 1970, respectively, through adulthood and a U.S. study on height and occupational choice.
Other studies have pointed to low self-esteem, better health that accompanies greater height, and social discrimination as culprits (罪犯) for lower pay for shorter people.
But researchers Case and Paxson believe the height advantage in the job world is more than just a question of image.
“As adults, taller individuals are more likely to select into higher paying occupations that require more advanced verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome returns,” they wrote.
For both men and women in the United States and the United Kingdom, a height advantage of four inches equated with a 10 percent increase in wages on average.
But the researchers said the differences in performance crop up long before the tall people enter the job force. Prenatal care (产前护理) and the time between birth and the age of 3 are critical periods for determining future cognitive ability and height.
“Prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are just incredibly important, even more so than we already knew,” Case said in an interview.
Since the study’s data only included populations in the United Kingdom and the United States, the findings could not be applied to other regions, Case said.
And how tall are the researchers?
They are both about 5 feet 8 inches tall, well above the average height of 5 feet 4 inches for American women.
(   ) 1. What can be learnt from the study of Anne Case and Christina Paxson is that ________.
A. the reason for lower pay for shorter people is social discrimination
B. taller children perform significantly better on cognitive test
C. tall people earn more than shorter counterparts
D. prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are less important than we already knew
(   ) 2. Which period is the most important for determining future cognitive ability and height?
A. Between age 3 and schooling.                   B. Between birth and the age of 3.
C. The whole childhood.                                D. Between 1958 and 1970.
(   ) 3. The underlined phrase “crop up” in the Eighth Paragraph is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. get in                  B. rise up                   C. come up          D. stand up
There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to develop their own interests in many subjects. Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education. Some students do badly in traditional classrooms. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning. Some students will be happier in an open education school. They will not have to worry about grades or rules.
But many students will not do well in an open classroom. For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem of getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules. Even a few rules will help this kind of students. The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it. Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their school.
You now know what open education is. Some of its good points and bad points have been explained. You may have your own opinion about open education. The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory. In actual fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school. The writer believes that most students, but of course not all students, want some structure in their classes. They want and need to have some rules. In some cases, they must be made to study some subjects. Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.
Title: Open Education

Open education is a way of teaching which allows students to learn what they are (2)___________ in without many rules.
◆Open education enables students to realize they are learning for (3) ___________, not for others.
◆In open classrooms, many students don’t need to be (4) ________of grades or rules.
◆Some students find (5) ________ happiness in open classrooms compared with traditional classrooms.
◆Many students cannot prove themselves as (6)________ in open classrooms as in traditional classrooms.
◆There are so many choices for students to (7) _________ that they can’t use open education properly.
◆Some teachers are not in (8) _________ of such way of teaching.
The writer’s
(1) __________
to open education
◆Open education is just theoretical, but in a (9)_________ class or school it is not so good.
◆The (10) _________ of students want some structure in their classes.

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